Organizing Your Flask Project with Multiple Apps

Organizing Your Flask Project with Multiple Apps

Flask, a lightweight and flexible web framework for Python, provides a simple and extensible structure for building web applications. As your project grows, organizing your code becomes crucial for maintainability. One effective way to structure your Flask project is by using multiple apps. In this blog post, we'll explore how to register and organize multiple apps within a Flask project.

Why Multiple Apps?

Breaking down a monolithic Flask application into smaller, modular apps offers several advantages:

Modularity: Each app can focus on specific functionality, making it easier to maintain and understand.

Reusability: Apps can be reused across projects, promoting code consistency.

Scalability: Separating concerns allows for easier scaling as your project expands.

Getting Started

You can get a template flask API app at  Aida (Flask Rest API) template

GitHub - Aida-LLC/Flask-Rest: Flask-Rest is a lightweight and flexible REST API project built using the Flask web framework. It provides a solid foundation for developing RESTful web services, making it easy to create, update, and retrieve data through HTTP requests.
Flask-Rest is a lightweight and flexible REST API project built using the Flask web framework. It provides a solid foundation for developing RESTful web services, making it easy to create, update, ...

Let's assume you have a basic Flask project with the following structure:


Now, let's create a new app called admin and register it within the project.

Step 1: Create the New App

Create a folder for the new app within the project:


Step 2: Define Routes for the New App

Define the routes for the new app in admin/

# admin/

from flask import Blueprint

admin_bp = Blueprint('admin', __name__)

def dashboard():
    return 'Admin Dashboard'

Step 3: Register the New App

In admin/, create an instance of Blueprint and register it with the main Flask app:

# admin/

from flask import Blueprint

admin_bp = Blueprint('admin', __name__)

# Import routes to register them
from . import routes

def init_app(app):
    app.register_blueprint(admin_bp, url_prefix='/admin')

Step 4: Update the Main App

In the main file, update it to initialize the new app:

# app/

from flask import Flask
from .admin import init_app as init_admin_app

app = Flask(__name__)

# Initialize the admin app

Now, you have successfully registered a new app within your Flask project.

final thoughts ...

Organizing your Flask project with multiple apps allows for a cleaner and more modular codebase. Each app can encapsulate specific functionality, making the entire project more maintainable and scalable. Following these steps, you can easily extend your project with new apps, ensuring a structured and organized codebase.

Happy coding!